Monday, August 10, 2015

A Some-what Fickle Love Affair With Social Media

Ok…I’ll say it, I’m not a big fan of most social media.  To be honest, the only platform I like is Instagram.  Facebook tends to bug me, I don’t even understand Twitter and let’s not even go there with Snapchat.  I know this probably seems weird coming from someone who has started a blog.  But in my defense this isn’t my first blog.

I know, that wasn’t much of a defense, but I did have a blog years ago.  And I truly enjoyed it.  I liked being able to share my thoughts and life adventures.  I also loved the dichotomy of “meeting” perfect strangers and interacting while also maintaining some sort of anonymity.  I’m really quite shy and private person.  So when it comes to social media I tend to follow the “less is more” rule of thumb.  I don’t have a Snapchat account and haven’t touched my Twitter account since its conception.  When I do get on Facebook, it’s brief and usually only posts that directly address others engagement with me.  However, like I said, I do like Instagram.  Perhaps it appeals to the visualist in me.  But blogging; blogging I love.  It’s fun to share tidbits about myself with the world.  I think we all crave that; being known.  But if I’m honest, that isn’t really why I love blogging.  It goes much deeper than that.  

You see, over the years I have been truly blessed by a few complete strangers.  These select few, unbeknownst to them, have become a huge source of encouragement and inspiration to me.  Food for my soul really.  And what I absolutely love is that they have no idea.  I’ve been so touched by their transparency.  Their willingness to be unguarded and open; sharing the good, the bad and sometimes the ugly.  One of the many things I relish in my walk through this life is how often God uses the most unaware people to shine His love.  Often times it is so subtle that even I am unaware of it…I just know there is something (Someone really) that is drawing me in.  

So I am going to give this blog thing another go.  I’m hoping that through the process of putting my thoughts to “pen” that a dialogue will begin.  Not with the world, that’s almost to much to hope for.  But with myself.  An attempt really, to show myself the Grace amongst not only the beauty but also the messiness in life.  And if someone gets even just a little bit of encouragement out of it…well that’s just a bonus.  

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