Friday, September 18, 2015

A "Funny" Little Tale

Location- Whole Foods
Time- today after work


Man what a week this has been.  I feel like I hit the ground running starting on Monday, and just haven't stopped.  So to say that I am exhausted is an understatement.  I decided to stop by Whole Foods on the way home, because let's face it, cooking was not going to happen tonight.  Upon entering the store I grabbed a basket and proceeded down a few isles looking for something easy to fix for dinner.  Naturally I got stuck in the chip isle...who doesn't when they are hungry?  After hemming and hawing over which one I shouldn't buy I reached for a bag of classic potato chips.  They must have just packed in the new shipment because I didn't just get one fact several bags fell to the ground.  I proceeded to pick up the chips, hopping no one saw my little mishap and went about my business.  I slowly made my way over the produce isle hoping to find something healthy to balance out my chip purchase.  As I walked in circles for who knows how long I settled on apples.  I know, weird combo, but again super tired and was lucky I was standing up right at that point.  I figured I'd get a couple so I had a few for the weekend.  But just like the chip isle I got more than I bargained for.  Unfortunately that time, a young man who works there came over and helped me pick up all the apples that fell on the floor.  So with a beet red face, I'm sure, I thanked him and scurried on my way.  

Before I got into the store I had silently reminded myself that I needed to get cash back.  I never carry cash but needed some for Monday.  Once I made it to the register my mind was elsewhere and I only remembered after I had almost completed my transaction.  Now the guy behind the register was all of twelve and the store was quite busy at that point, so I should have just counted my losses and moved on.  But instead, I stopped mid-way and said, "Oops, I meant to get cash back."  He smiled and said let me cancel your transaction and you can start over.  Awesome!  Ha, if it were only that simple.  After he politely canceled my transaction I attempted to pay again.  Only this time instead of asking for $10 cash, I ended up asking for 10 cents.  Yup, a whole whopping 10 cents.  I realized my mistake but it was too late at that point.  The young man proceeded to hand me the 10 cents with a weird look on his face and I apologized trying to explain my mistake.  He proceeded to tell me that there was an ATM around the corner and was pretty much ready to move on from the "crazy lady who can't work a simple electronic payment machine".  I'm positive he was thinking I was a complete idiot.  His face said it all!

So before I could embarrass myself anymore I booked it for the door.

Moral of the story:

Don't go to the store when you are so tired you probably seem drunk!

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